Buzz from speakers

After all the long search, buy, sell, I pretty much done with my system. BAT VK-D5 -> Emotive Audio Sira LE -> Art Audio Jota (w/ KR300BLX) -> SAP J2001-MKII speaker (diamond tweeter, horn midrange and 12" woofer at 97db). The sound are great so far, missing the bass a little, but ok for my kind of music (classical).
However, I noticed there's buzz in my speakers. The buzz sound appear when I just turn the power amp on. I tried to switch the outlet, there's still buzz. I tried to lift the power cable, using cheating plug... tweak around, moving around, still can't get rid of the buzz...
In this case, would it be the amp or the speakers?
Any suggestion/idea will be greatly appreciate.

A little bit of hiss is normal. You describe a buzz. A hum is not normal. Sometimes you get a sort of light buzzing noise from certain components,
but that shouldn't be coming through the speakers. I used to have a low level buzz in my system until I installed 20 amp dedicated circuits. Now, my system is stone silent, except if I put my ear up to the tweeters, I can hear a slight hiss. I guess the answer is -- you've got identify whether you've got normal hiss, a ground loop hum, or if one of your components -- your amps -- has a slight buzz. If the "buzz" is coming through the speaker, you could have a problem. My "buzz" wasn't coming through the speakers, but it bothered me -- and the dedicated circuits cured it.
Do you have a second system? I had a very slight buzz in my system. I substituted one component at a time to find the culprit. In my case its was the CDP.

Try lifting the ground on your CD player.

Also try unplugging your cable system. If you have a cable TV jack coming out of wall, unplug there. Cable TV has a "ground" that is different from the electrical ground of AC. Often it is the culprit in hum. If so, Mondial designs has a "Magic" box (I forget the exact name) that you connect between VCR or TV/cable box and the incoming cable line. Sells for around $100 (see; they used to sell).

Good luck.