Bybee Active Room Neutralizers

I have read a couple of reviews on the room neutralizers which are favorable.  Has anyone in the community actually tried them or own them?  Thoughts?
🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 Quack, quack! One assumes you did a controlled blind test, right? 😛

John Curl, hardly a quack, has collaborated with Jack Bybee. Most people thought Christopher Columbus was going to sail off the edge of the world. "There is more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy". Shakespeare said that.
If they do anything, the description is utter crap.

I would be extremely amused to read about anyone using a current meter to measure their AC consumption. I have a bottle of Tequila that says it will be zero.

Cut me some slack, Jack! They said the same thing about tiny little bowl resonators. And about Shakti Halographs and SteinMusic Harmonizers. And Lessloss Blackbody. And about the Acoustic Revive Schumann Frequency generator. And Acoustic Revive tiny little quartz crystal. Brilliant Pebbles. Wake up and smell the coffee. ☕️

By the way when a manufacturer offers an explanation for a product he opens himself up to all manner of abuse and suspicion. Best to say nothing. There is certainly no requirement to provide either proof or explanation. This is not Journal of Physics. It's a hobby.