Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE

Any feedback from users of his PROTON/ ELECTRON aligning pad?
POSITIVE  or Negative  gains from your hard earned$$$ spent on it?
If positive explain:
   On some of my recordings.Specially Jazz quartets like Shirley Horn, and a few large orchestras Strings float outward from the edges. 
My distance gauge, is my  fishing Fly rod held up-right by my wife.
 Who intern AFTERWORDS consider using it to measure my IQ..
I spent good money to get the sound in the middle of the room. Was that a mistake?
I tried 1 of these with excellent results & it won't hurt much;  High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Magnetic Wave Guide. It even improved picture quality on my plasma set. 
RE: Tubes444 "  Well that's what a MRI scanner does "Align Protons."
Once that is accomplished. It's ready to create a clear image" emit radio waves. That's the data that MRI uses to interpret and build a mathematical model of objects that is displayed in a grayscale or color image. I don't want any RFI. 
Just kidding. The field of the IQSE couldn't be strong enough to align protons.
I haven't tried these IQSE, but I first bought one of his small filters and placed in in my amp signal in and I liked the improvement. Later I bought two of his larger golden filters (can't remember the names, sorry) and placed them inside my speakers, between crossover and drivers for midrange and trebble and again liked the improvement. And I purchased two more. These filters are the same as used in his Bybee Bullets. What I have now are the big golden attached to the positive lead of the speaker driver. Next step would be adding the smaller black filters (less expensive) to the negative legs of midrange and tweeter. For the bass I didn't perceive any benefit so not using them there.

For what is worth, Jack Bybee does answer emails and with me was a straight shooter. He said the best use of his filters is as close to the speaker drivers as posible. At no point he was trying to sell me his products.

I liked the improvement these filters made and will buy the black ones in the near future, when I finish building my new speakers and can try them with new SET amps.