Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE

Any feedback from users of his PROTON/ ELECTRON aligning pad?
POSITIVE  or Negative  gains from your hard earned$$$ spent on it?
If positive explain:
I think you might be misunderstanding what I wrote a little bit. I’m saying that Mr. Bybee like me doesn’t consider that a battery powered device is necessarily an "active" device. So battery powered and active are not necessary synonymous. I describe my clock as battery powered but I don’t refer to it as active. It can be placed anywhere in the room. It’s passive. It’s not connected to the audio system anywhere, not the AC power, any cables and doesn’t interact with acoustic waves in the room.

Why market one device as having a battery and another as "totally passive"?

Should they not have been both marketed as totally passive?
What matters here, it seems to me is the, marketing by JB that completely contradicts itself?

I was about to buy them when I read this thread.  It doesn't matter to me whether you categorize them as 'active' or 'passive', the real issue is the poor design.  If you are going sell a device where the effectiveness will degrade over time, you need to let the consumer know or give them an option of replacing the battery.  As the years pass a lot of us change gear and then see if our tweaks are still effective.  People are going to be confused, did they really help my system or was it my imagination.  And lastly, when these start showing up used on various sites, will the buyer be aware that based on the age of device it's effectiveness will be impacted.  Shouldn't the device have an expiration date?
I believe these devices work, I sincerely hope Jack Bybee redesigns them properly.  
Actually, to be fair, the performance does not (rpt not) degrade over time. At least over the lifetime of the battery, which is ten years. Not too many things in this hobby last ten years. Or in life. Don’t be a big baby! 👶