C J Premiere 11A versus Music Reference RM200

I currently have a CJ 11A driving a pair of two -way speakers with a Scanspeak woofer and tweeter. I am moving to a larger room and have to change speakers to a two-way with an MTM configuration which has an impedance down to four ohms. I don't think the CJ amp will drive this speaker very well with the low impedance so I am thinking of going to the hybrid Music Reference RM-200. My question is: will the Music Reference amp drive a two-way speaker with an impedance that drops to four ohms and how does the sound quality of the Music Reference amp compare to the CJ amp? Is this a good amp swap or are there better alternatives that won't break the bank? Thanks for any advice given. George
One option is to pick up a set of autotransformers from Paul Speltz.
They effectively increase the ohm load the amp sees.
I used a pair between a Music Reference RM-10 35 watt amp and a 4 ohm MTM configured monitor to decent effect.
The 11A is one excellent amp. We still keep looking, but sometimes what we want is right in our back yard.

I have the rm200, driving speakers as low as 2 ohms is no problem at all, it has 100w/channel and a tremendous dynamic headroom. Very musical indeed but not quite as harmonically fleshed out as the conrad johnson.With a warm sounding preamplifier e.g conrad johnson it should sound better in the tonality department. I am led to believe from all the reviews I have seen that the antique soundlab hurricane could also be exactly what you are looking for.
Thanks guys. I didn't realize that the CJ could drive a four ohm speaker. I think I'll take your advice Jeff and try it first with the new speaker. I'm really not looking for an excuse to spend more money and I am very happy with the CJ. I can always swap amps later if it dosen't have enough power. Thanks again. George
A wise decision IMO, George. I sure had the hots for a pair of QS V4s while I was waiting for my Eminent Tech. 8s. The 8s are even-less sensitive than my Quad 989s, and I suspected...wanted?...them to require more power than my much-loved ASL Explorer 805s. Almost bought the V4s that closed yesterday here for only $2160. However, the 805s sound JUST fine on the MR/treble of the 8s, so no new amps for me!