Cable Auctions by Manufacturers

I believe it is customary and courteous, when winning an auction, to pay immediately, usually by Paypal. (Like within an hour or two of winning). Different cable makers seem to have different standards of shipping times. What time lag is "reasonable and acceptable" to receive such cables that have been won and paid for? Opinions please.
A product should not be auctioned unless it is ready for immediate delivery.

Any possible delay or waiting time should be explicitly mentioned in the advertisement's text.

All of course, IMO.
Zu Cable cable simply does not auction cables that are out of stock....I realize this is an advanced concept for some.
I agree with Bill, say they auction an un-made cables that they say is worth $1000 and the auction nets them $114.00 now how hard do you think they will work on making that cable? I would inquire and ask before bid if item is ready to go, if it isnt or they dont reply then run like hell.
There was another thread on this a couple of months ago. You might want to check the archives to see if you can find it to get other opinions.

If a cable is hand made with exotic parts, I think it might be expected that there would be some delay in making it since it is probably being made to custom order. However, in my opinion, an auction is for something that already exists and can be shipped immediately. If it doesn't exist, the auction should state so. If a maunfacturer engages in this practice, I think they only hurt themselves with the bad publicity it generates.
I had an experience similar to Pilar in that I lost the auction and got an email asking if I wanted the cables at my lower price - I passed.

I did win another auction, quick communication back and forth with the mfg - while the auction didn't indicate that they had some materials backordered , the mfg was upfront about it, asked if it would present a problem and when I said no, said that they would not bill me until ready to ship. In the end I got the cable within a week.