Cable / Upgrade Recommendation

I am consider upgrading to new cables for my 2-channel system(Adcom GCD 750 / Morrison ELAD / Audiosource Amp2 bridged / NHT VT1.2 / MIT T2 cables), and I am not sure which cables to try. The system sounds a bit bright, so perhaps cables with warmer characteristics? I understand that the T2 are already on the warm side; maybe I should consider upgrading something else? FYI, I listen to mostly jazz and classical.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
See if you can borrow another set of T-2's for between the pre-amp and amp and also some MIT to the speakers, I don't know which model to recommend. ( I use Transparent ) But I found sticking with the same mfgr/quality gave the system a better synergy. Just my opinion.
NoMoney raises a valid point re: the synergy issue. Mgs: It esp. seems that those "garden" ic's may be a definite roadblock. Somewhat hard to intrepret the initial post: I think he has T2 spkr. cables already?
Now for that shelf question again...Your rack's shelf is obviously on the bottom. Vibrapods sit on that rack shelf, donut hole faces up. A separate shelf sits on top of those pods (Nuance, MDF, B.D. whatever you like / can afford). Cones, points down, sit on top of the shelf (if / when used). Component then sits on the cones. Can even mass load the component with sand bags or lead shot on top. The vibrapods must be calculated to work with the full weight-load of everything (this is how you pick which model). (I have a bunch of all #'s 1 thru 5 on hand. You can mix them & add in different #'s too)

Also you can tune somewhat by moving those cones around 1" at a time underneath the component: wider apart is usually brighter/ more detailed than closer together.
Like I said it never ends. Get the basics right first (cables especially) before you begin the fine tuning. & everything interacts, just to complicate things :-)
I would suggest PowerSnake power cords, I just purchased one, it make a vast improvement in sound on my system
Hi No_Money,
Sounds like we share the same belief that using cables from the same mfgr/quality/model give better synergy within the system. How do you like the Transparents? I thought about trying them but they are currently a little out of my budget. May I ask which particular model of Transparent cable you are using? Bob_bundus is indeed correct; I am using MIT T2 speaker cables (again, synery within the system), and following the above advice I think I will get those "garden" cables replaced first by a pair of T2 ICs, as well as an AC power conditioner, before I start fine-tuning.

Again, thanks you all for the advices and for elaborating the details!
Just another 2 cents I just played with cones under the HTS 2000 power conditioner and the results prompt me to share this with you. More clarity....
I do have Terminator II biwires and found them very good in overall balance in my system.
Power is an area I suggest you to investigate.