Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
It can be an addictive hobby. A few times I needed to let people know that it is only material. Nothing more. Sometimes people are almost obsessed like they need to have it. At those moments I try to get them on there feet again. Then I put the mirror right up in there faces.
sometimes music is all that can make someone Happy!, to some, It may be a sad life, to others, Its all they have!
Music is my biggest hobby. Wenn people say: audio is my hobby. Many times I have my doubts. I did visit people with audio sets over 70.000 euro and they had about 30-40 cd's. I saw it as my job to let them know that at the end it should be about music, never about audio. Because audio is only a system what can let you hear your personal favorite music. Many people who say my hobby is audio often are not even happy with it. This says a lot. So be aware!!!