Cables that cost more than good loudspeakers

I just thought about it. It's still amazing that the high end comprises cables that retail for as much or more than a good set of loudspeakers. A few I noticed: Purist Audio Anniversary IC $8k, Siltech Compass Lake IC $12k, Tara Labs the Zero IC $13k, and Stealth Audio Dream PC almost $3k. I'm not even bringing up speaker cables. It's really crazy that quality high end speakers can cost less than a little wire. But the people who continue to buy these expensive cables because they can afford them, make these prices a reality in the market. If there weren't any buyers, then there wouldn't be these prices. When I got into this 5 years ago, I had no idea of this high end audiophile world.

My most expensive component will remain my speakers and they retailed for $5500.. Most of my world would say that's amazing and crazy too. I guess I need to drop it. It is what it is.
Crazy is in the ear of the beerholder. I'm a believer in cables and power cords, but what still makes me scratch my head is those that spend more money on cables/cords than on equipment.
I know some who have $13K cables attached to $5K components, and swear it's the way to go.

Hey, whatever floats your boat.....

The proof is in the listening, don't ever get coned otherwise. Years ago most hi-end dealers had loaner programs for cables. That disappeared as a poor business model. Wonder why. Hey, it is like wrist watches, all tell time, but some do it in an expensive way. It is the users physic that is at play.
Foster, sadly enough, those cables do make a difference and even more sadly enough of a difference best heard on speakers which easily might cost more than 15 times as much as those you speak of. But if you're clever and willing to learn from these pages and the experience of others here, you can do just as well with a much, much less deep pocket. It all depends how far you want to go with the reproduction of the "real thing" in your own home.
If you want to commute the 10 miles between your home and office, it makes no difference if you drive a little Fiat or a Ferrari, except for the prestige of impressing your neighbours of course. But if you want to drive a long stretch of a 1000 miles and enjoy it, you wouldn't want to take your "Uno".
I drive one and an ancient one at that,having almost 160000km on its four wheels, because I've put my dough into expensive cables and have given up driving long stretches. Life is made up of choices, some good, some bad and you're lucky if you can choose at all. Many can't.
In all likelihood these cables are going to be purchased by audiophiles that have speakers that are in the $40,000 to $100,000 range, which is also beyond what most of us can rationalize.
I was looking at someone's system on Audiogon yesterday, and my entire system cost less than their least expensive component, and it was a cable (if you can even call that a component). I'm thrilled with my system, it being a huge step above what I had previously, so I guess it's all relative, man...