Calling Harbeths 40.1 owners

I love to own these speakers but MY room is 4 x 6 meters and will place them along the short side of 4 meters. I wonder it will be too narrow for them. I have HL5s now but having all the reviewers saying how good are the 40.1 is, I am very eager to know if I should upgrade. Thanks.
Interesting Tom hankins, I do think HL5s have some good magic in the midrange. Can you detail what is thier differences?
I alway thought the M40.1 and HL5s have the same house sound but the latter being bigger and better in dynamics and details!
The 40.1 is more detailed, deeper bass, not as full or sweet sounding. Probably the more correct sounding speaker. I think the SHL5 stages better. The 40.1s seem to stage everything up high and not as wide as the SHL5s in my system. Using the same gear with both the 40.1s dont disappear the way the SHL5s did. The 40.1 is harder to drive. I've used big SS amps and the bass really tightens up and shines. When i can afford bigger tube amps I'll get them to go with mine. The 40.1 images are sharper. I'm happy I have the 40.1s, but could have been just as happy never leaving the SHL5s. (with sub)
The treble is sweet with both but better with the 40.1s. I liked the vocals from the SHL5s better, although both are great. More detail, but leaner with the 40.1s. (although not lean by any means)
My wife thinks the system has lost some of the magic since we got rid of the SHL5s, even though it gained the detail and some other things the 40.1s do better. With some of the stuff we listen to shes right.
There is one pair selling only for $6700 at the gon!! But after this thread, I must think twice before making the move! Shipping and tax is very expensive to Sydney!! I still think these speakers are the one to stop my HiFi merry go round.
SHL5 is a great speaker for it's price. IMHO the M40 or M40.1 is worth more than 5 times the cost of SHL5. Matching a sub to SHL5 should close the gap towards M40.1, but dialing the sub is a tedious job. I've tried to dial 2 AR subs and also a James sub, and in the end, took them out and preferred without the subwoofer.

In the beginning of getting the M40 in, I thought I preferred the sound of SHL5 compared to M40. But after listening to both for a month or 2, I found that the M40 is giving more details in the treble, midrange and also the bass. I've also compared the P3, C7, SHL5 and M40 in my room. On vocals, P3 is the king. All other speakers lost to it when playing vocal tracks, but that's all it excelled at. P3 sounded sweet and crisp might be due to a lack of bass. M40 might not sound fuller and sweeter might be because it had more bass. That is IMO.

The M40 or M40.1 requires big, powerful and great amps to drive them "BEAUTIFULLY". These speakers will show all kinds of flaws with lesser amps.