Can HI FI components really make music?

Hello everyone. I am posting this question possibly a bit early but I am getting frustrated and am about to throw in the towel, sell everything and buy a Bose wave radio and call it good. My question is does a good HI FI system ever really sound like live music? At this point I think not. I have been in this hobby for about 7 years and just can't seem to get there. Even the system at the local "hi end" dealer does not come close to live music. My system has evolved over the years to the following:

Wadia 861 CD
VTL MB 125 mono blocks
Supratek Chennin Pre
(2) Vandy 2WQ subs
Vandy 3A Sig
Cardas Golden Cross inter con
Kimber Bifocal XL spk cable
Vandy model 5 Xover

All this gear is in a 13x35x8 room. Although the sound is quite good. Better than most any other system Ive heard it still has a long way to go. In all fairness the 3As are not completely broken in but I dont think they will improve to the extent I want them to over the course of the next 30 hrs. My dealers solution is that I should get rid of the Supratek and replace with a VTL 5.5. I dont think so. Been there done that. Although the VTL is decent it cant compete with the Supra.

At this point I think maybe the VTL 125s are just not sophisticated or powerful enough to give me the sound Im looking for. I think they are the weak link along with cabling. I stated earlyer that the dealers system doesnt do it for me either and I think that may be due to the fact that their biggest amp is 185 wpc. Im thinking maybe a sophisticated amp with say 400 wpc might get me there with the 3As. I dont know... but I am not willing to spend 100K to what I want nor could I afford to.

For those of you that are still with me any and all input welcome. I am not one of those thin skinned audiophiles that cries like a baby when someone has the audacity to insult their precious gear. So fire away.

Herman, my speakers are Chapman Q6 three way towers. I have reviewed them on Audiogon and the other forum. The address and telephone number of the manufacturer are included. These were prototype speakers two years ago, but since then Stuart Jones made a pair for himself and a few other old customers. He does not sell through dealers nor advertise at this time to my knowlege. He said he was planning a web site. Stuart is very amiable, knowlegeable and I feel sure would be happy to talk to any audiophile on the phone. His speakers are well priced. He uses state of the art components. The Chapman T7s have been reviewed and well liked; also his former flagship the Q7s are even better,but the Q6s are probably his best accomplishment in 35 years because he has acheived better more three demensional imaging and sound staging. These are silky smooth organic sounding speakers, also. Just very natural.
I'm back in the game and happy to report getting some very good sound. No, its not perfect but its damn good. I replaced the VTL mb125s with Parasound JC 1s. Every aspect of the sound has improved dramatically. Well, the midrange was a little sweeter with the VTLs but for me its worth the slight trade off for all the other benefits. The Vandersteens obviously need lots of power. They sound like a completely different speaker. I still may replace them in the future but for now they sound fine and they are not even broken in yet. This has been a very valuable lesson regarding system synergy. I really hated the Vandersteens until I paired them with the right amp. Now the sound very good. Best imaging and sound staging I have heard in my system yet.
If a speaker tower falls in your living room and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?!