Can I convert dvda to Apple Loseless???

Pretty simple question; I am wondering if I can convert my dvda collection to my ipod? Do any of you do this? Is there some particular software for making this work? I have searched with no answers.

I do not believe there is any way to convert DVD-A or SACD directly into anything that can be put on an iPod.

I seem to recall a discussion regarding "ripping" of LP's to a hard drive. Something about taking the analog output into an analog/digital converter to convert to a digital stream that could then be manipulated as desired. I would imagine that would work for DVD-A as well but you would probably lose most of the benefits of the hi-rez format.
If you're going to put it on an iPod, you're going to lose the benefits of hi-rez anyway. Analog out, and then letting your computer redigitize, sounds like the way to go.