can i transport apple lossless between pc & mac?

I bought a seagate external usb drive for backing up the apple lossless files i am accumulating in my desktop. The manual cautions against using the external drive to share files between pc and mac operating systems. I'm hoping that this is less of a concern with itunes music files, since i would hate to have to rerip all my cds if i decide ultimately to implement a mac in my hi fi, after having used itunes for windows to rip. For that matter i would hope i could revert to pc should i regret the mac choice. Will the operating system i use to rip lock me in for future playback?
How is the drive formatted?

As I understand it a PC can't read a drive formatted for Apple but an Apple can read some PC drives.

My local Mac dealer tells me that a Mac can read/write PC formatted drives but for the long term it will have problems.

Since I chose to use a Mini Mac I've formatted my drives for Apple.

I realize that is probably no help,
I beleive Herman is correct, Apple can read PC drive, but PS's may have issues with Apple drive.... I will try to give a more accurate answer when I can review the new Macworld, I remember reading something about this in ithe review of the new power book pro's.

Why not simply network the two computers and transfer them via the network, then just keep the drive as backup, in whichever format you are most likely to stick with.