Can the KEF LS50 rock?


Right now my setup includes a Rel T5 sub and a pair of Wharfedale 10.1s. I just got a peachtree nova 125se which should be coming soon. For the longest time I have been looking at buying a pair of KEF LS50s. My room size is medium and I rarely get to play my music loud. All that being said if I bought the Kefs and paired it with my sub how would they do when I occasionally feel the desire to rock out? Any other monitor suggestions would be helpful. I live in a small town so there isn't much chance to test drive speakers but maybe I can take a roadtrip to Denver in the future.

I heard them with rock at a dealer. Acoustic rock sounded pretty good. Electric rock not so much. Heavy Metal sounded jangly and thin. Every Dynaudio monitor I have heard has done well with rock. IMO Merlin TSMs do very well for any kind of music if your room is not too big. They are fast and tight and don't emphasize anything. Had them in a 16x22 room 8ft ceilings and loved them! Moved them to larger room with 12ft ceilings and they didn't do so well but I guess may be too big for most monitors.
It's not obvious to me what OP means by rock out, but I have been amazed by the ability of the LS50s to play loud.  Two distinct cases in point:  The Blu-rays of Legends of Jazz and the large orchestration of the Decca recording of Aida.  I'm using a Sony XA5400ES through a Cary Cinema 12 to a Parasound A 23 amp, and a pair of Velodyne HGS-10s with SMS-1 bass manager to supplement the LS50s below 80 Hz.  The LS50s are impressive.  Will they crash and bang like an Altec A7 VOT? Probably not, but they'll sound a lot better with everything else.
imo speakers are genre biased to some extent. Imo if the op was not thinking of classical or jazz by the term rocking out but with rock music I would say they are not too impressive with this style of music.
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