Can you recommend reasonable speaker cable

My system consist of Sim Audio Celeste, Aragon 28K Pre, Soliloquy 5.3, Rega Jupiter CDP, Musical Fidelity Tube Buffer and Power Supply, MIT 330 Shotgun connection between Amp and Pre, Straigtwire Sonata for Tweaks.
Now I have Kimbers 8tc but they are now too small for my space and I need cable at least 8' each.
I personally have not tried this cable, however have read many whom rave about Gregg Straley's Reality cable.
Reasonable if different to everyone. Just depends where the decimal points falls on you pay check. Can you give us a price range?
I replaced biwired Kimber 8TC with single-run Mapleshade Double Golden Helix ($280 per 8' pr. new) and Mapleshade jumpers and couldn't believe the all-around improvement. This was a while ago when I was using Conrad Johnson Premier 12 amps and ProAc Prespnse 3 speakers.
Soliloquy's will come alive with a silver speaker cable. I believe their internal wiring is from Analysis Plus.