Cat owner wants speakers

Lately I've been looking at new speakers, but I'm nervous about some designs that might attract the attentions of our cat. Cremonas have those scintillating strings in front, Vandersteens have the sock extending all the way to the floor, Zen Adagios have a front port that a cat would probably like to sleep in. I hate to diqualify otherwise nice speakers because of the potential damage a 6-pound cat might do...I'd appreciate suggestions anyone might have tried to protect their speakers, or discourage the cat. Or, other speakers to consider?

My wife values the cat more than she values me, so I probably shouldn't try to Velcro the cat to the wall while I'm out, or similar ideas...thanks...
Just don,t do what a friend of mine did . After 2 pairs of damaged speakers by his live in girlfriends cat he had enough . Gave her an ultimatum .... either the cat goes or he does . He got his wish .... he has his own apartment.... and she has the house .....and the cat is the envy of all the other felines in the neighborhood as the owner of the most expensive pair of scratching posts . Thats why I own a dog , even if she insists on sitting in the "sweet spot" !
We've owned cats forever and, after the first one destroyed
$10,000 drapes, they have all been declawed. I know this upsets the PETA folks but it's the only way they are allowed in our home.
Wow !!!!!!!!!!!! I read these post's to read other peoples experiences and knowledge with audio products and have a few entertaining chuckles along the way . A lot of good AUDIO knowledge here from good natured guys and gals . I never thought that I would also be getting a free lesson in both domesticated and wild feline behavioural patterns ! Markphd , hate to tell you this ..but your claws are showing !!!! Lighten up man !!!! Maybe Bob_reynolds just loves his pussy wild.... over the tame domesticated version that is .
Get a scratching post for your wife's cat, and let kitty get used to it, before you get your speakers. Once the cat get used to it's scratching post, chances are it'll leave your speakers alone. btw, I have a cat and a Siberian Husky (who enjoys lying on the couch and listening to music - Allison Krauss seems to be one of his favorites).