Catchy tunes that sound great?

I thought of starting this thread after a listen to "What's Going On" by Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass today.

Sounds great! Love the arrangement! Can't get the tune out of my mind!

Is this perhaps the catchiest tune of all time?

Any others come to mind?
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Spyro Gyra's 'Morning Dance'. I'm wearing a button down oxford, khakis and loafers (no socks) as I post this...
Sound quality is mixed but I can't get the electronic dance tune "Tsunami" by DVBBS and Borgeous out of my head.

I first heard it in the latest Les Mills CXworx core/abs class. Had to download it. It's the second track ("plank" track).
Help. I am obsessed with Tsunami. I've played it repeatedly over the last few days.

Someone should score an orchestrated version.