Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...

I just acquired this integrated a couple of months ago , it is my first experience with a tube amp . I must say that I really do like this amp and what it has done for my listening pleasure . However , I am not into the involved biasing procedure that is required . There for , I am looking for an integrated tube amp that would be , at least , equal to the Cayin in sound production ability and be either self/auto biasing or extremely easy to bias without removing anything , including the amp from the stand .
I am using Reference 3a De Capo i speakers in a small room , near field . These speakers are rated at 92 db. sensitivity without any crossover and have a minimum power rating of 5 watts . I prefer to listen at low levels but do crank it sometimes . I listen to classic rock and contemporary blues . The new contendor should be detailed , extended and dynamic at low listening levels .
So far I have found the Prima Luna Prologue II (auto biasing) and the VAC Avitar (biased through a front panel without the use of a meter) . Of course there is quite a difference in price with these two . I do not have the ability to audition either one of these and am relying on what is in print .
I would also like to hear about other recommendations .
Fi or Wright are amazing. Fi, as I understand it, no longer builds an integrated. However u may be able to find one used. Wright is coming out with an integrated. Both Fi and Wright offer simple separates, though. All self-bias. Finally, there is the Korneff stuff. Also, utterly great. He is taking a "break" though. I'm trying to get him out of retirement!

I also have the cayin t-88 and do like it. However, it has me chasing around a bit for a good speaker match, which I am in the process of testing.

Can you please explain "self / auto biasing" for me?

I have been using the Prima Luna Prologue Two happily for the past year and a half. Admittedly, auto-biasing was one of the things that made me go with the P2, as I wanted a no fuss tube amplifier with possibly some tube rolling as the only tweak that I would perform. Note: The stock tubes are pretty good, but I replaced them anyway. I replaced the stock KT 88's with Svetlana (SED) KT88's; the 12 AX7's with NOS Sylvania; and the 12AU7's with NOS Mullard CV4003.

I can't say enough positive things about the P2. See my review of the P2 here . In fact I liked the P2 so much that I replaced a very good power amplifier in my other system to put in a Prologue 5. I use the P2 in a manner similar to yours ... in a small room and nearfield. This system sees more use than any other system. I didn't audition any other tube amps. I had dealt with Kevin Deal before, trusted him, and went with the P2.

For a good overview of biasing and what is involved here is a good site .

As for speakers, I am currently using Omega Super 3 (single driver), but would also recommend the NHT Classic line (Two or Three).

Regards, Rich
I too owned the Cayin A-88T- a truly great amp. It is not however, self or auto biasing. The biasing procedure involves removing the amp from the system, standing it on it's side, removing the bottom cover and following a biasing procedure.

This is admittedly not as easy as, say, the Cary SLI-80 Signature- a stunningly good amp that's far easier to bias.

I must say however that the Cayin- with proper tubes- is extrememly transparent, and lives up to the hype.