CD and/or LP collections. Is it about the music?

The question has been asked many times and in different ways about how much your system cost, or what componants you have but I have another question.
How many CDs, LPs, SACDs, 8-tracks, or cassettes do you own? It's only fair to ask since this is really about the music isn't it?
Unfortunately, you absolutely right 4yanx. It seems when they were on the ABC label (Can't Buy A Thrill, Pretzel Logic, Countdown To Ecstasy, Katy Lied and Royal Scam), the sound was not as great as the later recordings with MCA.

Fortunately, once their "musical magic" starts, the sonics tend to take a back seat.
My wife thinks I'm over the edge with my cd purchases. Though, I ONLY have about 350, I've gone pretty heavy in the last year. (last purchase being 20 XRCDs) I'm going to show her all these threads. I'm over the edge? She's not a member of the 'gon. OK, to let her read about your LP/cd mania? peace, warren
Warren....I don't care if she reads this stuff. It will either make you look good by comparison, or reinforce her notion that ALL men are over the edge (just that some of us have fallen farther than others!).