CD player around 1K

Which CD player would integrate best into my 2 channel rig and/or home theater? I was thinking Planet 2000, X-ray V3, or Jolida. I may be selling the Golden Tube and replacing with a Rogue Magnum 99.

My Equipment list as follows:

Home Theater: Sunfire TGII, Parasound 2205A, Panasonic RP-92,Sonus Faber Concerto's all around.

Stereo: Golden Tube SE-40 amps(2), Golden Tube SEP-1 preamp, Sonus Faber Grand Piano.

Do you plan to have the CD player connected to both systems? Are the HT and 2-channel rigs in the same room, on the same rack, etc?

There are some great players that might be good for a shared setup. Let us know how the systems are set up, i.e. shared space, different space, etc. Do you plan on having the new player connected to both systems at the same time or is it an either/or situation?


Consider the new Rega Apollo as well. Many good comments out there.

Otherwise it is the usual tube CDP contenders: Jolida JD100, Audio Aero Prima (more like $1500 though, but well worth it). Certainly a tube CDP should fit well with both your HT and your stereo system.

I have always like the Rega sound and recently did a another comparison between my original Planet and my Audio Aero Prima: The Rega is pretty good and excels in particualr with its tuneful bass, but does not get close in detail, realism, separation to the Prima. The new Apollo might be a different story though.

Good luck!

Thanks for the info TIC & Rene! I am probally going to dump the GTA for a Rogue Magnum 99 (used) preamp. This will free up quite a bit of space in the rack. I like the GTA, but seems a little loose with the bass. The 99 (unity gain) will be serving up the music, while the TGII will be for home theater play. Useing the 99 will allow me to have one less pair of speakers in the room as well.

Is the $1500 price tag for the Audio Aero Prima in used condition? Detail and separation is mainly what I am looking for. Any comments on Musical Fidelity CDP's?
