I was planning on buying a new CD player (Rega Jupiter 2000), when I read a few reveiws of the Sony SCD-XA777ES, which used, I could buy for about the same amount as the Rega new. I currently have an extensive CD collection, but no SACDs. My question is whether I should just go ahead and buy the Sony, or whether a dedicated CD player, like the Rega (or others at its price point) are significantly better in their CD playback. Thanks. Tom
With all due respect Brian, since this review was released some 2-3 months ago, it seems to be the only saving grace for hard core redbookers. I've yet to see anyone site any other source for comparing redbook to any SACD player, much less the SCD-1. I do own an SCD-1, but have not compared it's sound to any of the elite redbook players. I have heard many of the 3000-4000(Cary, Rega, Arcam)players and can say that I feel it holds it's own against them playing cd's. Opinions vary and some don't like the Sony's presentation, but let's not forget this machine was built to showcase SACD. The players i've mentioned don't even come close to it's SACD performance in my opinion. The SCD-1 is nearly 4 years old and is still at the top of it's game, and all of a sudden 1 review states that redbook is better and it's taken as gospel by the redbook crowd. This is my first post and I'm not trolling. I just don't understand all this blind faith in 1 review, your opinion notwithstanding. Gary.
Gary, I am not sure where you are coming from! I sometimes wonder if some read all things before posting. First of all, if you read the review, you will notice that the reviewers reference player is the SCD-1. Second, your allusions to the "redbook" crowd using this review as gospel is way off base. (I am ne poster, who are you including?) You will notice that I have several posts on this, endless, thread before I ever even mention this review, yet I have known of it the whole time. Gosh this is frustrating.

Let me make my stance even clearer, I have owned the SCD-1, I had the 508.24 for 4 years before that, for the third time I will say, I think the SCD-1 is a good player, but it did not hold a candle to the EMC1-UP. If you choose not to believe me, that is your right. But for those that may be following this thread or reading later and may be questioning which way to go, I give you my experience for you to consider, please read all my posts though.

I have nothing against SACD itself!!! (If I haven't made that clear yet!) Please read my very first post, it is the second on the list, I gave pro's and con's for each as well as my thoughts.

If I was a "hardcore redbooker", as you state, I would of never purchased the SCD-1 in the first place, so spare me the accusations. Comments such as, "blind faith in one review", touch a nerve, remember, I have owned your player myself.

It seems some accuse people of doing the very thing they are doing.
This was not directed at you Brian, I'm sorry my post came off that way. Yes I know the SCD-1 was used in the review, you would have to live under a rock to not know. My post was regarding the thread and many threads I see here and Audio Asylum(digital drive) and others who site the same thing. I do respect your opinion on this subject, being that you have lived with the players in question. But I honestly do feel that anyone who thinks CD(Redbook) has more to offer than SACD, is just deluding themselves. Just my opinion. Gary.
Gary, thank you for the clarification. To further some clarification, I do not disagree that the new formats can outperform CD. I had two points/positions within this thread:

One, CD can sound good, even excellent, contrary to a comment made that it can't.

Two, the lack of availability of software for the new formats, CD may give you most enjoyment yet at this time, and further, there are some awesome CD players out right now that, IMO, will exceed the performance of a majority of the SACD "players", don't confuse my comments of players vs. formats.

From my experience, I do not view the review in question as inaccurate.

Thanks for the follow up, I do not think we are that far apart.
Brian, I have a tendency to sound more dogmatic than I probably am. It was not my intention to argue as much as perhaps discuss the differences in opinion. IMO redbook CD is a flawed medium which as been fantastically tweaked to sound much better than it originally sounded.
I do beleive SACD is a much better format and I thought that was what we were discussing. The potential for SACD is much better than CD, and I would hate to see the format disappear before it matures to reveal what might be developed. I am not denying that Sony is probably playing games with consumers to protect their patents, but I still like to think it's about the music.
Regardless I still prefer the sound of LPs which IMO is better than CD or SACD.