CDP caused tinnitus?

I have noticed over the past several years a bit of tinnitus developing. It seems to be aggravated by (naturally) listening to music, but I have narrowed it down even further...

When listening to cd music it becomes worse- even while listening to the first song or two.

But... when I listen to vinyl- no problem. No ringing, no nothing.

Any ideas on this? I have experienced it with two different cdp's in the system. The cdp's are older (Sony x7esd and another Sony changer for non critical listening) Think a new cdp would help? or what could be going on here?

The CDP does not cause the tinnitus, it only helps to present the audible affects. Tinnitus is a ringing in the ear. Your CD player, and many are delivering frequencies that are instigating the affects of your ailment. It is likely that when the same music is played through your turntable, that these specific and likely higher frequencies are being rolled off and therefore not instigating the same inner ear affects. Tinnitus can be a sign of several different things, some of which can be very serious. I would consult initially with an audiologist and/or an ENT.
You have several good points here.

I had considered that the dynamics may be different, possibly the high freq might accentuate it, or even the speakers were contributing.

One thing I was interested in is if it were possible the cdp creates any emphasis on higher order harmonics.

The effect is not subtle, it's got to the point that even through headphones plugged into the cdp I can only take a few minutes, even at quite low level listening.

I can't figure out why the TT rig lessens the effect to such a high degree.

Just curious if any others had noticed this at all.
I also noticed your same results and finally found the cause of the ringing. I was playing with electrical outlets and changed to a FIM 880( all brass contacts) and the sound noticeble relaxed and the imaging improved. I also felt a relaxing in the upper frequencies that seemed more natural to my ears.I always thought it was digital that was responsible for this, but, now feel that digital is just showing what is truly in front of it.Neddless to say that all my outlets will now be brass in nature.Take care Dennis
Thanks for the ideas. I will try a different power source and see what happens. For the last few years I've had the cdp plugged into a BPI, I wonder if that could cause any problem here.

Thanks for the tip