CDs with heavy, fast bass and/or long drum solos

Due to a variety of circumstances, I find myself in the position of needing to break in the woofers below 80hz of my primary speakers (VSA VR-7s). Any good, well-recoded CD's or points to an existing thread on this would be appreciated

I heard a disc from Norway at RMAF on the 4th or 5th floor of the Atrium tower that was incredible, but can't remember the name of the disc. It was playing pretty loud, so I'm sure a number of others heard it as well. If anyone wrote down the name of that disc, please reply here.

ALso please note - I am not interested in Test discs or warble tones - I want real music.

Thanks a bunch
Ello Oneprof-
Ah-well, Quantum is me ("R" is for Rufus...Phipot by the way, as you may know from that cd..) and the disc also heavily features incredible Jimmy Johnson...

I also agree the Bela Fleck stuff is cool...I also recommend Bela Fleck w/ bassist EDGAR MEYER...
And on the subject of Edgar Meyer..
His interpretation of Bach' s Cello Suites is fabulous-and plumbs some seriously low frequencies..
Great recording too-on Sony/CBS I think....
Also-as others mentioned...Marcus Miller is always superb...M2 -great-and also check out his "The Sun Don't Lie" cd...Japanese version has bonus track...(Maybe it sounds better too??...I don't know though as i only have the Japanese version!)
ALSO..perhaps of interest-6 String Bassist Anthony Jackson..his work with Michel Camilo's trio is outstanding..He also occasionally employs a low 'A" de-tuning-a whole step below the regular pitch on his B string on many recordings...A huge sound.
Its a little dated-80s production-but Dave Weckl's "Masterplan" cd ( with A.J...) is available cheap on amazon etc..and there's some incredible bass and drum interplay-and two staggering Michael Brecker sax solos--How 'bout that?
Lastly (!!) Eyewitness-Steve Khan's group-feat..A.J. and the most fabulous Mr.Steve Jordan-twenty years before(!!!) he landed the John Mayer gig...
I would recommend "Casa Loco" and "Blades"- (live in Japan...)
The VERY BEST CD recording of drums and bass that I have heard is almost impossible to find. But it is incredibly dynamic.
The tune is called "Boxenkiller".
I am told it was on a Focal Lab sampler CD.
Good luck finding it.
RUSH!! Exit...Stage LEFT!
RUSH-A Show Of Hands! RUSH-All The Worlds A Stage!
Do you live under a ROCK?
It`s RUSH!
For one of the lowest bass and dynamic records try Mickey Hart Dafos. For a driving bass line try Public Image Limited the metal box (film canister).

If the first one hundred DB suck why continue.
Dafnis Prieto - One of the top 10 (5?) drummers living today. Has 4 releases out with the latest just released; 'Live at the Jazz Standard' is simply amazing!