Cheap Tweak?

Does anyone know of a household or any other cheap cleaning fluid that works for claning RCA connections and speaker terminals? My wife won't let me buy Contax :(
I also use the 99% rubbing alcohol followed by ProGold contact cleanner. A friend uses model railroad track cleanning solution on his copper audio contacts. Don't forget to clean the the power cord contacts. Skip the ones in the electical out let unless you are qualified to play with the AC. Don't use the 99% pure rubbing alcohol on skin, it dries it out. Don't crush red chile pods with your fingers, run your fingers through your hair, and then take a shower. It's REAL PINFULL!
Sorry, no substitute for Kontak, best cleaner/enhancer on the market (better than ProGold, I have not yet tried the nekkem product sold by Delve though). The small bottle lasts a long time unless you constantly change cables. You should be able to buy for $35-40, an essential tweak!
I second HDM's motion, that TPC packet from XLO works very well, and sure qualifies as a cheap tweak.