Child-Proof Speakers

I have a six-month-old now and in the process of trying to child-proof the house. I'd like to keep the sound system in the living room, where the whole family can enjoy it, but concerned about the little one knocking something over, getting hurt in the process and/or breaking a valuable piece of equipment. I recently got a cover for my Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum (so she doesn't get burned on hot output tubes) and bought an equipment rack with closable doors. The next step is potentially replacing my stand-mounted speakers (Sonics Anima) with less tip-able floor-standing ones with more robust drivers (less vulnerable to being prodded by child fingers). Any recommendations on speakers in the <$3000 range? I listen to mainly rock, reggae, world and jazz, and usually on vinyl. I really like the Sonics and Audio Physic sound as well but looking for other options too.
I installed Joseph Audio Insider speakers in my wall about 5 feet from the floor. They have a metal grill and sound like a great stand mount. I run the speaker cables below the floor and up inside the wall from my rack that is protected by a baby cage. This is a fairly baby proof system that the whole family enjoys for around 12 hours a day.
I do miss my Vienna Acoustics Beethoven floor standers but I don't miss the stress of worrying about them getting knocked over and crushing my kids.

Find some used Gallo 3.5. They are made out of metal and the tweeter and drivers are covered with metal grills. They also have a mesh cage to hide them in. They are fairly short in height and the weight is at the bottom so they won't tip easily. These are the best child proof speakers I know of.
Train your kids properly and you should have no issues. I've got a 3 year old and a 6 month old in a relatively small condo with my rig in the main living room and there is no issue.

My entire stereo is referred to as "daddys speakers" and he knows not to touch them.

I'd worry more about them accidentally getting burned on exposed tubes...
My daughter walked at 10 months (this was 22 or so years ago), and we never childproofed anything. No issues, period. The secret is to WATCH YOUR KID all the time, and don't assume kids are stupid (although this could be a matter of degree)...we told our daughter what things to avoid, from eating random plants outside to touching my hifi, and she listened and got the drift even when she was really small...anything else is lame and all the childproofing in the world won't allow you to not be paying attention to a toddler when the toddler is toddling. Kid gets hurt, it's on you. Hang the speakers on the wall and just go back to the game? Really?