Class A amps

I've read a few articles on class A amps but still don't have a good understanding of how it affects sound quality. I've even seen amps which can be swithced into class A mode or AB. Does anyone have experience with this type of unit? Does class A have a true audible advantage or can it be detected only by test instruments? If it is audible, in what resepects? Thanks, Rick M.
All this discussion about operating class is really moot if it involves ASSUPTIONS. Since I have been designing amps for over 40 years I am somewhat of an expert on the subject. The most important thing is the OVERALL RANGE OF LINEARITY. This property is obviously much easier to achieve with a class A design albeit at great expense. In the last 25 years or so, this whole situation has become rather moot as the better designs by most competent engineers have long overcome the biasing problem. The sad truth of the matter is that the average audiophile layman has absolutely no way of verifying that any given unit has been correctly designed. One must un-fortunately trust the reputation of the designer and today even that is no guaratee as there are a lot of what I call dilletantes touting themselves as great engineers. The real truth is that everyone can't be "King of the mountain". James Bongiorno formerly of Dynaco, SAE, GAS, & Sumo.
listening to all of the above, all i can say is with all the amps i had a/b amps never came close. But theres one company that mad my jaw drop was sim audio, great product, i dont own any of sim,but i gotta say,it sounds good for a class a/b amp, and there intergraded amps i say I may not be someone building electronics but I can say I have the ears of years hearing all kinds of components. so is class a amps better,to me yes,if you dont think so i guess your still in maze.there are a lot of a/b amps out there,very few sound good and are some that do a good job, class a is just dieing to hear a digital amp make its way. well bye everyone enjoy listening.