Class "D" amp? I do not have a clue. Do you?

I have been a serious audiophile for 30 years and class "D" audio is new to me. Most important, what do they sound like?
Class D amps also generate lots of RF. At least they used to. That may have changed.
My experience mirrors that of Mrkoven. I have the ST500 and it's not quite tubes, but it also does not have the brittle crystaline quality of many transistor amps. I find the amp entertaining to listen to for hours without aural fatigue.
Hi Orpheus10. I have a Cary A306, not well known, but Class D. For me it's a keeper. Use to own the Wyred 4 Sound ST 1000 which is also quality.
excessive DC offset can burn up some crossovers and/or built in amps. For a more technical explanation, contact Richard Vandersteen. Switching amps are verbotten on Vandersteen products. There are others out there that can be affected. Contact your speaker manufacturer to discuss their product's vulnerability to this problem.
Last year, I owned a pair of Bel Canto REF 1000 monoblocks. I very much wanted to like them,great looks, nice tidy size, low energy, but I gave up after 2 months. Weak bass, nowhere the rated power output - and essentially the midrange sounded as if it was in a tunnel. I am exagerating a bit of course, but the conclusion is that I could never see myself living with those. Life's too short to give another class D amp a second chance in this century.