classe ca-300 or bryston 4b sst for thiel 2.4

i am currently running my thiel 2.4 with a classe ca-300 amp, but i am not 100% happy. i am getting a 4bsst for a bargain price. which amp is a better match with thiel??
my other equipment is sonic frontiers line 1 preamp, classe cdp cd player and acoustic zen cables.
i am looking for more bass and not to bright highs.
thanks in advance
Your room, with hardwood floors and no rugs, may be contributing to your brightness problem. The 2.4 has excellent bass but it is tight and not bloated or overly warm; you may feel it is too lean. If you have not aggressively broken in the speakers, you might want start there--play them loudly for a good 100 hours or more with a variety of dynamic music. It can improve the bass.

I own 2.4's by the way.
I had 2.4's prior to my current speaker & could never get the sound where I wanted it. Just too harsh on less than perfect recordings. I tried cardas golden cross everywhere and broke them in completely, positioning, etc. & finally bit the bullet and unloaded. I really wanted to love that speaker & never could. hope you have better luck.