CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??
My experience with Classe is having heard several amps over several years in several auditions of other components, and once when considering an amp purchase. I have felt like it was very hard to generalize about them. Different models have varied a lot, and the only trend I've noticed is that the bigger amps are more dynamic, transparent and extended than the smaller ones, and not just because they were bigger. I have also seen a lot of Classe on panel and electrostatic speakers, both in dealers and at shows. I certainly wouldn't bash them, as there are many brands that charge more and deliver less. Classe is definitely competitive with Bryston and Sim Audio.
Responding to Lpim, read review on CA-200, Stereophile, Feb. 97 by Martin Colloms. He used many top-notch products with it & amps to compare it to. His final analysis was that he was not totally knocked out by the Classe. He heard a sheen or emphasis in the treble; felt there was a lack of rhythm & dynamics, and it had a low listener involvement factor.
See also Bob Reina's review of CA-100, Dec. 97, where he heard problems in the upper midrange and a dark sound to the high treble. It rendered music thick & opaque.

Usually when you find more than one review that finds similar problems, it is a good indication that there are problems.

A number of people claimed that the different models sound different. I find that hard to believe when they are all based on the same circuits (except the Omega and some models below it).
Hmm, I never read those Classe reviews but I've owned both the CA-100 and CA-200. If these amps were so "flawed" I wonder why so many people find them to be outstanding performers and excellent values? My CA-100 was a great match with my Thiel CS 1.5's and the CA-200 was better with tighter and lower bass. If anything, there was a very slight emphasis in the midrange or a slight "warmth" which is a great match with somewhat try Thiel speakers. I heard no treble emphasis at all. If anything, I found Krell to sound "bright" compared to the Classe amps that I've owned.
Stan Warren of Supermods has quite a bit of experience with analyzing different amplifier circuit topologies to determine how he can "fix" their oversights. He told me that Classe' was by far one of the most thouroughly designed circuits that he had reviewed.
I think there is an idea circulating that everything with a particular manufacturer's name on it sounds the same within a certain range as to price and size. It simply is not true. There are not only breakthroughs, but changes in direction, new designers going to work for established companies, etc. It is clear to me from recent listening that every post-Omega Classe sounds different from what went before, just as 1995 Levinsons and Krells sound different from what they are producing now. Anyone who writes off an entire line on the basis of out of date information is wasting his or her time as well as everyone else's.