Classe vs Levinson for B&W / Delta vs CT amps

My question is really two, but, as they're related, I thought maybe both could be covered in one thread.

I recently purchased a Mark Levinson 433 amp (yet to arrive) to drive my new B&W 802Di's. After I bought the Levinson, an experienced hifi guy and contributor to these forums mentioned to me that he believes the Levinson's to be a bad match with the B&Ws, that Classe, among others, is a much better match. If anybody else has any experience with pairing either or both of these amps with these speakers, I'd appreciate whatever you could share about it.

My other question concerns the Classe Delta and CT series amps. Has anyone been able to compare them? If anyone has heard them both and prefers one to other, or thinks there is no remarkable difference between them, I'd love to hear about that as well.

It's tough when there's no way to listen for yourself, so I'm grateful for any input I can get. Many thanks.
My 2-bits in 3 sections:
1) I agree with "Thesoundhouse" - ML amps are very dark sounding. The 433 is a good amp but not the best match for B&W Diamond series. I have previously used ML332 with 802N and was not very happy. Things improved with the Pass Labs X150.5 so much that the 150.5 stayed in my system more than a year (thats a loooong time).

2) The CAM-400 is a far better match for 802D. You will benefit from the diamond tweeter really shining through while the overall musicality is preserved (by this I mean very little listener fatigue and a sense of just relaxing with the music). Bass is also better defined.

3) IMHO, the CT and Delta series are NOT identical (barring the SSP-800 and CT-SSP). I have owned the CAM-400 paired with the WP8 and recently replaced with the CT-M600. Tremendous improvement in the bass and more black background. And the delicate decay of treble notes is simply delightful- me and my sons revel in hearing newer and finely nuanced sounds from the same recordings. Maybe someone should look under the hood or contact Classe - for me I am content with the performance.
What was the reason you purchased those B&W 802's again? I thought you were knocked out when you heard them at a dealers? Have you considered asking the dealer where you heard the wonderful sounds you so loved, what amp they had on them and if you could buy it? THIS is why dealers are becoming in shorter and shorter supply here in the USA.
If you find something you love then just buy it and then establish a relationship with the dealer you bought it from.
It's really pretty simple and for the life of me I can't understand it. Let them do the leg work for you for crying out loud and then enjoy the fruits of their labor!
If you thought the Classe on the B&W's were "simply phenomenal" (your words) then you HAVE to know that they were! No funny impedence this or terrible phase behavior that....only fabulous music, only making you fall in love, only a rarity in this crazy hobby.

A match of world class products.

Relax and enjoy the ride.

PS. There is only one "knowledge" that you need. YOUR reaction to a product.
You cannot go wrong with Classe Delta CA-M400 with B&W Diamond speakers IMHO. London’s Abbey Road Studio purchased no fewer than 33 Classe CA-M400 monaural power amplifiers to drive their reference B&W systems. Abbey Road engineering staff concluded that the Canadian high-end maker’s design was the ideal tool to derive the utmost accuracy, dynamics, and transparency from the facility’s extensive arrays of B&W reference monitors.

To tell you the truth, the Classe CT series cosmetic design is a step backward compare to the older Delta series. I truly enjoy the unique and stylish look of the Delta series than the newer CT series.

Having gotten a pair of CT-M600's in the last few weeks, I think you are missing the point of these amps. They are designed to be rack mounted in a Middle Atlantic or other for installed systems. That is why they put so much work into the active thermal management, which keeps them at ideal temperature no matter how hard you drive them (I had them rocking out as I was across the house and wanted to burn them in and after 5 hours they were only warm!) I like the look of the front, but the Delta line (I also have an SSP-800) are the single sexiest pieces of gear I have ever owned!
i was told by almost everyone (friends as well as here on a-gon) to avoid Levinson and the dark-side. dark, dark and more dark was often mentioned when asking for comments. horrible customer service, outrageous price's and wait times were also often mentioned. not being a true audiophile, i took the comments very seriously and tried to avoid the brand when my new amp search began.

long story short.....after listening to several amps in my price range, i went with what *I* liked best. not saying anyone is right or wrong here. just saying *I* love the sound of the ml 300's and 400's (have not heard anything from the 500 line). wrestled with the idea of buying something that so many more knowledgeable folks advised against.

in the end, i did what i've doing all my life....going with what i thought was best/right for me, regardless of other peoples opinions/thoughts. very glad i did and couldn't be happier.

there's alot of great advise to be had here on agon. lots of folks really know their stuff, which can be very helpful. just don't let others helpfulness get in the way of finding what *you* like/want.

nothing wrong with liking "dark sounding amps" with "crappy customer service" =). if it works right in *your* system to *your* ears.....go for it and enjoy.
