Classical music - starting points

Various posts in a number of threads, most recently "Audiophiles who refuse to listen to classical" suggest there are a number of people who are looking to find a way to get into classical music. I thought it might be worthwhile if some of us who have found a way, even stumbled into one perhaps, could give some advice. If possible we might try to recall what first hooked us on classical music, identify the piece and, if relevant the performance, and describe what grabbed our attention.

I hope that others will use this as a guide to pick an approach which fits their musical tastes.

I'll start with three critical pieces for me.

Beethoven's 7th Symphony, Second Movement, Bruno Walter conductor. This was 11th grade, and quite simply the first time I was ever moved by a piece of classical music. I was caught up in the force, the drama, the inevitability of the music.

Mozart Symphony 35, George Szell conductor. I think this was as a sophomore in college. The sheer energy, the exuberance and speed of the piece had me putting it on repeat in a manner previously reserved for the Beatles.

Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition, Fritz Reiner conductor (my current favorite version). The color and shattering power of the orchestra. I bought into CDs early and for a while my favorite track was The Great Gate at Kiev, the last portion of Pictures, from a demo disk that came with my player. I'm surprised I wasn't thrown out of my apartment.

While my tastes have broadened since then, each of these three works still remains a favorite.
Newbee, thanks for your encouragement. I will give Mahler's First a go...why don't you go ahead and recommend the one you like best. I'll add it to my next Amazon order. I know practically nothing about the composer and will do a little reading. One thing I do know, however, is that Mahler once said that all of Puccini's music sounded the same to him. I took that one personally!

By the way, were we separated at birth? I also very much favor Tyler Linbrook Monitors driven by a 30 watt tube integrated, and agree right down the line with your comments on music.

Regards, Lee
Newbee, I've also considered suggesting some of the neo-romantics to which I would add a whole host of British composers in addition to Arnold. But this all gets so overwhelming for people new to classical music that I've avoided doing so. Perhaps a mistake since some might be able to quickly relate to Butterworth or Bax or Moeran... Still, this thread now has a variety of entry points.

Jgreenwood: Thanks for suggesting this!
For Mahler's 1st Symphony, consider the Horenstein/LSO performance on Unicorn if you can find it. The Solti/LSO performance is also quite good. If you contrast either of these with the Giulini/Chicago performance, you might think you're listening to entirely different pieces of music. (One of the nice things about classical music, for me.)
hi guys
great thread,how about some specific choices that bring out the best of your systems
Alpass, let me suggest you start a new thread with that question. It's a good question, but it really is off-topic for this thread. There are lots of threads in the archives to suggest very system revealing classical music, and I'll be happy to contribute on a new thread you start.