Clear Day Interconnects

I see Clear Day has interconnects back on the market. I really like Paul's speaker cable. Does anyone use these in their rig from when Paul sold these a few years ago? I'll probably try them out with a home demo. If they are as good as his speaker cable the interconnects should be a winner too.
I've had a pair of Paul's ICs for about 5 months now, and they easily outclass other IC's I've had by XLO, anticable, Morrow Audio, and another pair of boutique silver ICs I tried and returned. And the pricing is ridiculously reasonable for what you get!

I run the pair into my tube output CDP, and across the board they are a very nice improvement. I also have the Clear Day single shotguns for my speakers, and together they've taken my system into a whole new dimension of musical enjoyment.

Very highly recommended - and Paul has a great no risk demo period.
Been enjoying Clear Day interconnects between pre-amp (Soderberg updated Threshold SL-10) and amp (Soderberg updated Threshold Stasis 2) for the last month and a half now. While it does require an extended burn-in; I'd say it took 100+ hours before it's sonic signature of a bit of a hot top end completely disappears, leaving only a clear (Day!) view of the music.

In addition to it's most impressive attribute of disappearing from the playback, this interconnect is also noteworthy for it's frequency extension, both bass and treble; both are outstanding. Remarkably, midrange bloom is excellent as well; comparable to OFC single crystal offerings from Harmonic Technology. Much like Clear Day's Double Shotgun speaker cables (between the Stasis 2 and B&W Matrix 801 Series 2 ...with woofer Zobel circuit intact...speakers), resolution of inner detail is world class.

All in all, I consider the Clear Day interconnect to be among the greatest values in sound reproduction that I'm aware of. Really, the only other entrants at this level of value, in my opinion, are Soundcare Superspikes and Clear Day's own Double Shotgun speaker cables.
Xeno, that's interesting. Are the Clear Day ICs directional? Also, do you know if they're cryo'd? Just curious.
Hi Geoff,

The Clear Day interconnects do have an arrow on them and Paul cooks them on a cable burner in that direction before shipping.

I can chime in a bit on the Clear Day RCA interconnects (sound, not directionality) from my experience with them in my system a couple months ago: Oppo BDP-105D / Peachtree Nova125 integrated amp / Clear Day Double Shotgun speaker cables and jumpers / Magnepan 1.6QR. Shunyata Venom3 power cables on the Oppo and Peachtree gear, all gear plugged into an APC H15 power conditioner.

Though the Clear Day interconnects did mellow out some after some burn-in, they never lost their harsh, brash sound in my system. This was after hundreds of hours of burn-in. I'm not sure whether this was because they are silver, unshielded, or both. FWIW, both Blue Jeans and Cardas are very outspoken as the importance of shielding interconnects because of the delicate signals they pass and the magnified negative effects of EMI/RFI that enters the signal at that crucial stage.

I replaced the Clear Day interconnects with a set of Blue Jeans LC-1 and the difference was a relief. No more cringing on acoustic tracks, gunshots in movies, etc.

I've now settled on Cardas Golden Reference interconnects in the same system listed above. This came after both (i) an extended comparison of the Golden Reference, LC-1, and Golden Cross and (ii) after a one-night A/B session between the three on the same guitar track that made my wife and I cringe using the Clear Day interconnects.

This in no way lessens my opinion of Paul or his products. He's still the most honest and pleasurable person I've done business with in the audio industry.
I always reverse ICs regardless of direction of arrows, you know, just in case they actually sound better that way. It's not that I don't trust them. ;-)