Coconut Audio = LOL

This guy is completely making fun of our audio scene. Just read...
Y'all are missing the secret message. It's called CocoNUT Audio. He/she is obviously cuckoo for coconuts ;~)
I have to say the coco guy is pretty loony. He seems to have a tough time matching prices with reality.
He asks a 'retail' price in the stratosphere, then sells them for pennies.. He is Crazy.
Maybe not. I'll bet he sells product. I'd like to take a glance at Geoff's receivables for last year;) - Or, possibly an IRS cover? Zero overhead. Everyone launders their clothes.
If only one out of a thousand ponys up the cash, he's turning a profit. The pet rock did pretty well. They're bound to hook some fish. Further evidence of Audiogon's unwavering commitment to the bottom line. Reminds me of the the Village Voice's policy of running uncensored personal ads. Really glad they moderate the forums. LOL
Mapman wrote,

"...Geoffkait's "high end" science fiction tweak site?"

Uh, Mapman, I'm pretty sure you mean my science friction.