College budget reveiver help

Hey guys/gals!
Im a college student who is in the market for a receiver for around $750 (audiogon prices or otherwise). I only really need 5.1 but I know that most now days are 6.1 or 7.1 so that really does not matter. The receiver will power three (3) JM Lab Sibs (I will get the rear pair when money allows!) So far I have looked at Yamaha, Harmon Kardon, Marantz, and the lower line of Integras. Im open to any other brands so any advice will help! Thanks for your time and info!
PS: Any advise on a good 8' or 10' sub? ($250-$300)?
- Jackson
You are full of choices and I'm a Denon fan for receivers, you can get a 3805 for that price and you won't be sorry.
Some HT receivers that have gotten very good reviews lately: Yamaha 657 ($600 - Perfect Sound); Denon 2805 ($800 - What HiFi) though you can pick up the discontinued 3805 for about $1000; Onkyo 303 ($300 - Sensible Sound). Also, Outlaw Audio, which enjoys a reputation for manufacturing incredible performing; incredible bang for the buck components, just came out with a new $1000 HT receiver.

Regards, Rich
For a receiver, maybe also consider something like a used Pioneer Elite (43/45tx, 5_tx, etc) which should come in at way, way under your budget. As a college student w/ needs for "just" 5.1 I'd also guess you don't have a cavernous space to fill, etc. Looking for used deals on quality stuff like Pio Elite (or Rotel, Outlaw, etc.) can get very decent processing, adequate power, and money left over. Something like the 4X & 5X Elite series should be going for no more than $350-450 (or even better) and does 5.1 as well as anything. The latest & greatest is often just the latest - carefully selected used gear can get you huge bang for your buck. You might have to do a little research and have a little patience but the reward will be worth it.

Budget sub? Hsu would probably be #s 1, 2, and 3 on my list. I've used Hsu and it really did the job.

If you do go the used route (eBay or Audiogon, etc. and haven't done that before), I'd also suggest trying for something via local pickup. Either that, or check for quantity & quality of feedback and make sure you're comfortable parting w/ the dough.