college kid needs help with budget amps

I'm wanting to move to seperates and i'm on a limited budget. Which would be a better choice: a older-model, used adcom amp and pre amp, such as the GFA 535 and the GTP- 400, or a used/new but late model integrades models from NAD, cambridge audio, or marantz. Or give me your own suggestions for under $500. Also i have klipsch speakers and listen to mostly rock. I'm considering new speakers too, which amp will give me a good start. thanks
This may be a bit self-serving, but I have these components currently sitting in their boxes (due to recent upgrades) and would consider selling them for $650 together. I bought the HCA-1000 as a demo unit from a dealer in '95, and got the P/LD-1100 used a few years ago(on Audiogon, as it happens). Both are in great shape cosmetically and functionally. The original list prices totaled something like $1200-$1300, if I'm not mistaken... anyway, drop me a line if you're interested.

Derrick Carpenter
How about a Bottlehead "Foreplay" kit preamp ($150) with an Adcom 535 power amp? Check out the website. But be warned: tubes can be highly addictive. You may want to scrap the Adcom idea & go tube all the way. Also, check out the Antique Audio tube integrated, at just under $600 new. Could have enough power for the Klipsches. See the recent review in Listener. Info at, I believe. Have fun, Jim
Try one of the lower priced Jolida integrated amp. With those speakers you won’t need tons of power. Klipsch speakers are easy to drive have fair bass but can be very bright on top. I think tube warmth will be great with those speakers. Tube amps are hot to the touch and WILL heat the room so if you live in a warm climate “Beware”. The amps are integrated so a pre-amp is not needed. A tuner can be added later. The Used Market is the place shop. A large number of audiophiles buy, try and sell often.
You can buy a good vintage integrated tube amp for a few hundred dollars that will smoke all of the above listed amps in all areas important.