Comparing ARC, Lamm and Modwright Preamps

Hi folks,

I'm looking for a preamp in the ~$2k range, and models I'm considering are the ARC (LS16 or LS25), Lamm LL2 Dexlue, and Modwright SWL 9.0SE Signature Edition. From what I understand, these manufacturers have a sonic signature that is closer to neutral (which is what I'm generally looking for), rather than being syrupy.

My tastes are largely rock music (let's say Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac, etc.). Would anyone be able to describe the sonic signature of these three brands in a little more detail?
I can give you some insight to ARC & Lamm. I chose the Lamm LL2 deluxe a much livelier preamp with the stock tubes. Crystal clear dead quiet with tighter faster bass response than the ARC.

ARC pre's are also dead quiet but seemed just to flat sounding in my system.
ARC gear seems to sound best when paired with ARC amps & pre's together.
When you start mixing ARC with other manufacturers ARC seem to loose some of its magic.

I think both ARC and Lamm make some of the best american made gear in the world and I have nothing but respect for ARC. The best service department in audio much better than Mcintosh in the fact that ARC will service and have parts for anything they made from day one. Lamm service is excellent also but a much younger company when compared to ARC & Mac

Their preamps just didn't pair well with my vintage Mcintosh tube amps

Hope this helps

Don't the Lamm's controls, which maximize inconvenience, place it in a different category?