Comparison Cary 306, Wadia 581, EMM Labs CDSA

Hi all,

it's time to get a new (used) CD / SACD player and I reduced the possibilities to the following 3 candidates:
Cary SACD 306 (PRO)
Wadia 581 (SE)
(Volume control and/or digital inputs NOT a requirement but SACD playback a MUST)
Had anyone the possibility to compare these players? I think they are (used) in more or less the same price range and I've not the possibility to listen to all of them so I am really curious and can't wait to hear your opinions.
Listen a lot to (female) voices (Jazz, Rock, Singer/Songwriter), Classic and also Rock and Electronic.

Thanks a lot
I didn't wanted to start a big argument, just wanted to get some impressions, seems that no one had really compared these players. I've read a a comparison in the Wadia forum where the 581 outplayed the 306 SACD.
I'll keep on looking
FWIW, I have had my share of reliability issues with the EMM, but Shahin certainly helped restore some faith with me and their company.
I thought I'd chime in. For the record I'm a EMM dealer. Yesterday ,02/22/08, I received the latest version of the CDSA SE. It has a new suspension and new drive. You can't get better SACD playback at anyprice. Two weeks ago the rep from DCS brought the Scarlotti , or however it's spelled, and we listened all day. The EMM is as good or better in a number of ways and the DCS is 68 big ones. I'm glad to let you listen if your ever in our area.
The latest version? How many is that now? When will they release the "right" version? I might suggest you take the dCS piece home and do a proper ABA, it DESTROYS every "version" of the CDSA I have heard. This thing runs with the very best hand made stuff Ed builds. Z
Don't need to take it home. The system is running on 8 dedicated circuits using the Joule electra VZN 160 driving the Beveridge G3 Electrostatics on locking 30amp custom Ensemble power cords . The woofer section is powered by the newest Bryston Mono blocks on dedicated 20amp circuits. The remain components are resting on the Arcici reference rack, latest version, with carbon blocks on all the poewr transformers. Marchand tube crossover and a Levinson 326S sandwiched between two carbon platforms. I also have the Reimyo CDT777 and CDP777 with their top cables as a good redbook reference. Oracle turntable on a Copulare Tonebasin also on dedicated circuits. Numerous JPS Aluminati power cables ,interconnects, and the rep brought the latest Nordost just for a kicker. Cartridges Paltinum Onix, Audio Tekne, Oracle Tahlia, Decca Super Gold,Benz's. This system shows all differences. The room also is special with two drywall layers one made of cork. The ceiling is a special acoustical material designed by a company specializing in studios. Not much left to chance. May I invite you to come hear this yourself and then post you're impression. The EMM CDSA SE is a tremendous bargin in it's latest version . I have one of the first of this version. Way Good!!