Conrad Johnson dedicated fansite

If anybody is interested there is a new fansite dedicated solely to Conrad Johnson Onwers. You can find it at Or just google "Conrad Johnson Owners". It's basically a forum discussion site except it's the only one to my knowledge that is exclusive to Conrad Johnson owners Hope this helps.
Glad to see other CJ fans. It will be nice to have a central site for us CJ owners.

There is a "troubleshooting" topic area on so that may be a good place to post your issue. Maybe somebody can give some advise about repairing it.
I agree, the more sources we conrad johnson fans have the better. Often it is difficult to get reviews and questions answered on general audiophile sites. Both are incredibly useful but the more choices the better, IMHO. :)
"There is a "troubleshooting" topic area on so that may be a good place to post your issue. Maybe somebody can give some advise about repairing it."

Well, I'd do that if I could find out from C-J repair what exactly is wrong with it. It's been there since June 14. Other than a couple of conversations with Ed a few weeks ago that it was "fried" (he couldn't tell me why, or a specific diagnosis), that's all I know.

Oh, & he promised to call me back, but never did, & now doesn't respond to phone messages. I know he's there, b/c sometimes a secretary answers, & says she'll put me thru, but then he's always "on another call, & will call me back", (but doesn't).

Only way to get thru to him now is if he happens to P/U the phone himself, but he can't or won't tell me anything, promises to call me back, but never does.....
08-22-12: Steveaudio
"There is a "troubleshooting" topic area on so that may be a good place to post your issue. Maybe somebody can give some advise about repairing it."

Well, I'd do that if I could find out from C-J repair what exactly is wrong with it. It's been there since June 14. Other than a couple of conversations with Ed a few weeks ago that it was "fried" (he couldn't tell me why, or a specific diagnosis), that's all I know.

Oh, & he promised to call me back, but never did, & now doesn't respond to phone messages. I know he's there, b/c sometimes a secretary answers, & says she'll put me thru, but then he's always "on another call, & will call me back", (but doesn't).

Only way to get thru to him now is if he happens to P/U the phone himself, but he can't or won't tell me anything, promises to call me back, but never does.....
this does not sound good at all & very un-becoming of C-J. this could mean 2 things: (1) that C-J themselves do not understand what the issue is & (2) they understand the issue very well & are embarrassed to share that info w/ you as it might be a very basic error that they did not catch during their own QC.