Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it

I'm standing here on the vinyl cliff,peering over the edge...I had a TT in the eighties & nineties, an AR with the Underground Sound mods by George Merrill from Memphis, TN. It got destroyed in a series of moves, and my vinyl disappeared. I have a perfectly good CD player(Denon 1650AR),EAD PM2000 amp & EAD Ovation plus prepro, & thiel 2.3's. I would need a phono preamp before I could run whatever TT I obsess over enough to buy, as the Ovation has no phono stage. Push me over, or save me! mb
Ag insider logo xs@2xmichaeljbrown
I suspect that the fact that you're asking this question is simply because you want a new toy. If you really wanted to get into vinyl, you wouldn't be asking "if" you should get a turntable, you'd be asking WHICH one you should get in a given price range.

That said, vinyl is one heck of a toy...if you enjoy a hunt-and-discover type of shopping, there's nothing like vinyl. Everything from hardware, to cleaning materials, to used vinyl, to new's all fun to buy due to its scarcity. Every time I find what I want, be it online, in a store or at a flea market, there's a little victory dance going on in my head. And when I bring home new records, there's nothing like cleaning and spinning a new find for the first time.

Good luck with your decision, keep us in the loop...
OK, what do you like? Vinyl sound or digital? Vinyl is a complex thing comprising TT selection, arm selection, cartridge choice based in some part on the arm used, and phono preamp selected to match the choice of cartridge for gain and loading factor. If these criteria are not met, you will end up with an unsatisfactory vinyl playback system. Oh yes, you don't have any records? No problem, that will run you thousands of $$$. You would be better off buying a much better cd player than the one you currently own. I mean, you are looking at a lot of money to get into vinyl in a satisfactory way. Take the money and buy a really good cd player like the EMM Labs or an Esoteric.
Elinor, you're suggesting a $10,000 CD/Disc player vs. a $3000 vinyl front-end to get comparable quality levels. I don't think that's very close. There are several intergrated TT/arm/cartridge possibilities that compete with the excellent EMM player for 1/3 the cost.

Harder to roll a fat one on a CD jewel box versus a lp. There was a lot of proven research on the subject in the mid-70s. Sadly, it is a little foggy in my mind.

But seriously, CDs and MP3s work great if you are mobile, on the road commuting or airbourne as a road warrior. I am amazed I have my entire record collection fitting in a 80gig iPod which can stay with me EVERYWHERE. Newer CD players are able to dig out greater detail than before, and I expecially like the new players I hear out of the UK by Rega and Leema.

Records are great for casual listening around the home and there are some great deals on turntables. The Pro-ject 5.2 and Rega P1 and P3-24 match some of the best turntables from twenty years ago and can be had for a few hundred dollars. Quality in vinyl has never been great. Two records of the same title by artist rarely sound the same, so you have to be very careful when collecting used records. Be careful of newer releases. Reissues rarely match the original issues in master tape quality.