Convert two Krell KSA 250 into MDA 500

Hi everybody

I owned two Krell KSA 250. I would like to convert them into MDA 500 monoblocks. Krell told me that a MDA 500 monoblock is not only a KSA 250 in bridged mode but use a different driver board. maybe this difference is not essential.
Has anybody any experience in this type of upgrade (KSA 250 to MDA 500) or the simple use of KSA 250 in bridged mode ?
I would assume that the driver board in a MDA 500 is just simpler in design because it does not need to have stereo capabilities. Perhaps the bridge mode simply bypasses the stereo portion of the KSA circuitry to emulate the KMA. If you could get the schematics for both amps, a qualified tech could advise you on your options.
Your likely to spoil the resale value of the KSA 250s. Perhaps you should sell the KSA 250s and buy an MDA 500?