Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
Just a reminder to those who might have forgotten about the other forum thread in the Cables forum:

Just a public service announcement. 
Yes, I saw that also. 

underwoodwally58 posts01-16-2019 9:31pmUnder normal circumstances I never post anything other than ads on Audiogon. I’m making an exception as most of you will find out soon enough that I have purchased the Assets of Core Power Technologies, LLC. 


This is a good opportunity for Underwood Hifi, Inc and I decided to purchase CPT as I have done very well with these products. I know the owners well, and I believe a few words are in order. 


Mark had attempted to sell the company three times and had actual deals twice since April. He did the very best he could do to close these deals. How do I know, I know because in each instance I spoke with the “potential buyers” as I was the largest retailer outside of the factory since its inception.


I also know that due to a mis-fired product introduction and failed public-beta of Deep Core here on Audiogon the company had to close down. Everyone involved felt horrible, as did I. Once I reintroduce the new Deep Core it will be an even better product and unlike the previous owners you won’t hear much about it until they are ready to ship. It will be a full 1800 watt unit at introduction. I have spoken with the Engineers and Product Manufacturer that were/are being used, and Deep Core will be a great product when introduced. 


The previous potential buyers worked hard to get these deals done but ultimately, they did not fund and that’s when I stepped in. I will run Core Power with the same integrity and business practices that I have used for Underwood Hifi, Emerald physics and LSA. I will be careful and diligent. 


Mark has provided a list of everyone that he owes product or refunds to. I will be in contact with each of you directly via email or if necessary, telephone. I purchased Assets ONLY, but it is Mark and Lynn’s desire, as it is mine, to get everyone their full measure and the products they paid for as soon as I can.  The previously failed sales attempts cost Mark and Lynn everything. I know this personally. 


I will not be back here to reply to any messages. I am available to anyone that cares to contact me at 770-667-5633 or


It is my goal to be shipping 1800’s in late March as everything has been ordered to re-start the company. I would like to ship Deep Core in June or July if not sooner. 


Be well,

Walter Liederman

Underwood Hifi

I actually have more confidence that Walter will make all the out of pocket customers right than when Mark was running the show, sad to say.

I think anybody who has ever dealt with Walter will know he is a man of his word, I have good dealings with him in the past.

Good luck to all.
Agreed, Walter has always done exactly what he said he would do and has a very good track record ;-)