Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)

I am on a long search for speakers and just curious what people think is the best value both new or used in speakers ranging from around $5000 to $15000? I have a set of Paradigm S8's (V1) and love them but looking for another set for another set in a different listening area (25 x 20?, maybe larger).  I love the full sound of JBL's and looking for something in that range (it also helps that JBL's seem to hold their value better than most, which will be a consideration). The only drawback to JBL is footprint.  I prefer a smaller footprint which is why after reading I hope to listen to several B&W 800 series but open to suggestions across the board.  used Watt Puppies? Revels?  I am curious about peoples experience with McIntosh XR100's. 
consider loudspeaker markup is 4x. manufacturing cost $2500 double for profit makes them $5k now entice dealers so double down again and your $2500 speakers list for $10K. Like Cars, trucks, and motorcycles I prefer to let someone else take the hit and i'll buy used. I get closer to the actual value then. How Raidho and Magico come up with pricing their speakers I couldn't guess.
There are some Vivid speakers listed on agon at a big discount. I think the former distributor. I have their smallest model, 1.5, and love them.
Look up the Soundstage reviews.
Manufacturing cost does not cover overhead. You missed the cost of IP.  Speakers are more than mounting a couple of drivers in a box. 
I've only purchased speakers used.  For high end after I turned 25, the Acoustat Xs, Acoustat 2&2s, Martin Logan Quests, Martin Logan Monolith IIIs and for the past 20 years, Legacy Focus and Signature IIIs.  The Legacy speakers were a bargain used 20 years ago and have lost about 1/3 of their value since then since they are considered "old" models.  I'd have to spend $50-60K for significantly better speakers to do what they do in tone quality, dynamics, bass, off-axis wide response (for multiple listeners) and high sensitivity all wrapped into one for a medium large size room.  There are better speakers for less but they give up something of that quintet of features, usually bass, off-axis response or sensitivity.  I'm never going back to stats or panels and horn speakers are also out.
A lot of interesting responses but one speaker that I would really like to hear would be the Volti Alura.