D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?

Owner/Designer Dean Deacon of D-Sonic in Houston in recent months dropped using the B&O ICE amps which he now only uses in the surround channels of his multi-channel home theater amps. He now uses a new Class-D amp in all of his Magnum2 mono and two channel amps which he states is the most technically advanced Class-D amp on the market, called the SOA Class-D core amps. The recent review in 6Moons of his new M2-1500M amp concludes its the closest that Class-D has ever come to tube amps in the upper mid-range and high frequencies.
Anyone bought or heard recently the D-Sonic M2-1500M or the M2-600M? What are your opinions?
Don, you can expect break-in to last anywhere from 600 hours to 1500 hours with your new amps.... Initial performance is almost always limited in the treble region. During breakin, performance is expected to fluctuate wildly, and become occasionally bothersome... but performance will trend upwards in the longer run and anomalies will disappear.

A popping sound on power up is common with amps that do not use a soft start relay, and a clicking and slight popping is also possible when you rapidly increase volume on the pre, particularly when approaching or passing beyond unity gain... Good idea to check in with Dennis though.

Any thoughts about what core amps are used in the D-sonics M3-2000-5 (5 channels) 5 x 400w & M3-2800-7 (7 channels) 7 x 400w amps?
Mikela8, if you contact Dennis at D-Sonic, he might tell you which modules are being used in the amps. G.
Thanks G. Just spoke to Dennis, they are Pascal. I just ordered 3 M3-600M-A, 1 M3-2000-5 and 1 M3-2800-7 for a 16 channel home theater system based on the Trinnov Altitude32. LCR are 3 SM60Fs. Surrounds are 8 inch coax TBD. I am currently comparing the Reaction Audio CX-8's to my SM60F's to check for timbre matching. I am also considering designing my own surrounds atmos/auro with the BMS 8CN552. The SM60F's use a similar BMS coax at their apex.

Hi all,

Just thought I'd share an update I recently posted on Dec. 23rd of 2014. It was on a thread I originally started months ago on my new class D amp quest called "HYPEX,PASCAL OR ABLETEC". Here it is:

12/23/14 Update:

I received my D-Sonic M3-600M monoblocks, containing the Abletec ALC-1000-1300 power modules, a few weeks ago. My original plan was to place each amp on the carpeted floor atop spiked maple amp stands 6" inside each speaker. To increase vibration isolation, however, I bought a low rise audio cabinet to accommodate both amps. This rack is low (only 14" tall)and wide (5 ft) and has a maple wood top with front pull-down doors that conceal my surround amps. The rack sits directly below a wall-mounted 65" hdtv, which leaves a 10" space between the top of the maple rack platform and the bottom of the tv above. One amp, each atop its own maple amp stand with brass cone footers, is positioned on each end of the rack platform near each speaker, with my source positioned between the amps.

After delivery, I started to break them in slowly using satellite tv with a 1-2 hour exception that evening when we watched a war movie, "Lone Survivor", on HBO when I had the volume set at about theater level throughout. The new amps sound very similar to my former ClassD Audio 440CS amp, with a dead quiet background and an accurate sound but with even more detail and much more powerful dynamics. These amps definitely excel in ht duties since they are very powerful, run cool and are relatively small.

I've played almost all of my familiar music on these amps over the past 2 weeks, stored as APE files for cds and FLAC files for a handful of 24bit/96khz downloads. I would characterize the music playback as very smooth but with very good detail at the same time. My previous amp had these same qualities but I have the sense that the noise floor is now even lower with the D-Sonics and this made the smoothness and detail of the sound more obvious. Clear improvements were evident in the sound stage illusion and dynamics. The sound stage was just as wide and deep but images are more solid, dimensional and stable. I;m now able to concentrate on individual musicians/instruments and distinctly hear variations in tone and volume on good recordings. This is new to me and I find it really adds to my musical enjoyment. The D-Sonics produced the same illusion of 'being in the room', or 'the musicians being in my room', as my former amp did but with even more intensity and realism. The In general, I'd say the new amps have elevated my system's music playback performance, and my enjoyment, by a significant amount.

I stated previously that I'd update at regular intervals and report on changes I notice as the amps 'break-in'. However, I honestly haven't noticed any changes in performance thus far. Either there's been no audible changes yet or my hearing may not be as sensitive as I thought. It could be the aging process,I'm 56 now, and can't remember my last hearing test. Anyway, I'm not going to stop listening to music, so I'll try and stay alert for any subtle changes I notice and report back when I do on this thread.

Over the past few months, I've also been involved in trying to upgrade my system's bass performance. It's still fairly good, but I'm using a 20 plus year old Synergistics passive sub to augment the bass response for speakers that only go down to 37 hz. I purchased a replacement bass system that is scheduled to arrive within the next 2 days. It consists of 4 67 pound passive subs powered by a separate amp. After an extensive search, I bought James Romeyn's demo DEBRA bass system that entails a fairly elaborate setup procedure.

If anyone's interested, I'll probably be starting a new thread on this bass system in the next few days. The system claims accurate bass response down to 20hz,+ or-/3db or less. I'll be using this for both ht and music. The pictures and description listed on the link below are of the demo system I bought:

Go to www.jamesromeyn.com. Click on "Audiophile Gear" and then on "DEBRA Bass System". that thread

I don't want to update this thread every time I update my original thread since it would be too redundant and confusing. I will continue to follow this very interesting thread but this will be my last post where I copy and paste updates from that thread. Just in case anyone's interested.

