Da Vinci Grandezza

I have just acquired a 12" Da Vinci Grandezza arm, and have started a search for an equally capable turntable. I am leaning towards the TW Raven One. Can anyone share their experience with this arm and any of the Raven 'tables? Opinions on other possibilities are welcome. Budget is up to $6K. Thanks in advance.
Hello Curiemt11. I have a 10" Da Vinci Grandezza arm with the Dynavector XV-1s cartridge mounted on Bob Benn's SoundEngineering SC-1 turntable with fly wheel. Very happy with the combination. However, I have never seen a pre-loved SC-1 available on Audiogon. Sorry to hear about those taxes; always a bummer. Tom.
I use the Grandezza with a Raven AC one motor with fantastics results.
I can't think of a better match