DAC decision, help please

Hi, all

I am wondering can anyone offer their thoughts, comments or opinions about the merits/flaws of the following DAC's: Audio Research DAC1/20 bit, Adcom GDA 700 HDCD, and CAL Simga II 24/96. I am going to make a choice between the 3 to use as a outboard DAC for my CAL Tercet MK III (which is already outstanding). I am looking for a DAC that can throw a decent sound stage and convey the human voice and traditional jazz ensembles with warm emotion. My system is soley used for me to unwind after a long week at work and for dedicated listening sessions with my lady on Sunday nights (after the Saprano's of course). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If you're looking for warmth and adding body to voices and are willing to sacrifice some resolution to do so, I would suggest considering a used Micromega DUO BS2. I preferred it over a Cal Sigma (not 24/96). Have also preferred the Micromega over Bel Canto, MSB, and an unmodified Art DIO. You may need a better transport and/or a jitter reduction device to get it to sound its best, but Micromega's are usually not very expensive when they are available.

I also own the EVS Millennium DAC II fed by a Accustic Arts Drive 1 transport. I am thinking of upgrading to the Audio Aero Prima D/A Converter (24/192). Do you think this is a step up? down? awash? If you were to replace your DAC II what would be your chose?

Look for Chord DAC-64, I´ve got it with an Accustics Art Drive I and NBS Pro Digital; and I Think it may be one of the better configurations in digital sound.
I would consider an Audio Note 1.1X. There are reviews of Audio Note DACs on GoN and Audio Asylum. Jim.
Don't know what the units you mentioned sell for, but for about $900 you can get a Classe' DAC-1 w/HDCD and full range of input/output options. I listen mostly to acoustic music and vocalists and I'm very happy with the emotional impact. Currently fed by CAL CL-10 with Monarchy DIP.