DAC's for the money?

Hi all,
Having been working for about two years now on my system, which has graduated from entry-level Sony/Inifnity to Rotel, Pio Elite, Infinity Kappas, and a partridge in a pear tree, I am seriously looking to upgrade my digital playback.
I have the Elite DV-47ai player, which I have run for both high-res stereo and digital direct to my processor (Rotel RSP-1068.) I have a Philips burner deck laying about, and am using that as a budget transport (student here!) directly to the processor also.
I have become convinced that I should purchase a good, relatively inexpensive DAC as a way to greatly improve my CD performance. I am after the Musical Fidelity A3.24, which I can get here on the 'Gon for about $650 +-.
Are there any other DACs that can offer me the same level of performance for about the same price? If I had my druthers, I's be able to purchase the MF Tri-Vista series, both SACD and DAC, but, as I am getting ready for graduate school, the cash just ain't there!
AM I on the right track with the A3 24, or should I consider others?

Thanks for imparting any wisdom!


My first external DAC (Musical Fidelity XDAC/HDCD) was a huge improvement over my built-in DAC and came at a super good price of about $150! If you're unsure about DACs give one of the MF XDACs (XDAC, XCAD/HDCD, XDAC-24K) a try. You'll find them for sale here regularly.


I own the Pioneer 47ai and the MF A324. The Pioneer is a darn good player, not just as a transport. To be honest, the difference between using it as a player and as a transport with the A324 are subtle. Don't expect anything dramatic if you decide to add the A324.
What Steve says about modifying the 47ai digital output is probably very true. Steve recently modified a Carver Pro Digital amp for me, and I have no doubt that what he says about the performance benefits of the upgrade are true. However, and I invite Steve to comment on this point, I think your money might be better spent on just having the Pioneer upgraded as a whole, not just the digital output but the internal DAC's also. From what I've heard, you would have a very high performance unit, and would be saving the cost of buying the A324 and the cost of upgrading the A324.
Just a thought.

The only downside of modding the DV-47Ai as a CDP is that the analog outs are AC-coupled. DAC's such as the P-3A, MSB Gold and Electrocompaniet ECD-1 are all DC-coupled, which makes them better candidates to achieve world-class performance with mods. With expensive coupling caps, the DV-47Ai will come close though.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio