Dartzeel or Tenor for Marten Coltrane speakers???


I've recently bought pair Marten Coltrane speakers and the next proces will be to optimise my amps.

I currently use the Levinson 33H, Nr 32 combo but am not sure if that is the best combo to go with my Marten speakers.

The two amp that came to mind are the Dartzeel combo or Tenor (not sure which pre-amp to take than).

Anyone to advise me on a great amp and pre amp?

Thanks for your help.
hi Maxx1973, congrats on the speakers. i've also got a pair, & will be trying out various amps with them (once they're broken-in).

anyway, here's a list of amps that were recommended to me(these are based on my numerous enquires as well as email correspondences with various Coltrane dealers, distributors, & owners):

Audio Note Kegon
Bladelius Beowulf
Dartzeel NHB-108
FM Acoustics FM411 mk2
Hovland Stratos
Lamm ML2.1
Vitus SM-101
Just for your info, I heard that Marten himself use Bladelius power amp (Beowulf?) while design the Coltrane.