Denon 4310 or Integra 9.9

I have narowed my search down to these two recievers. I am open to any thoughts. Thanks.....
The Integra is a reciever....Integra web site lists power at 145 watts per chanel?
I was in the same position over the Summer and after doing my homework I went with the Denon 4310CI. I chose the Denon, for the following reasons:

1. Build quality and reputation.
2. Runs significantly cooler than the Onkyo.
3. The reports I read about the new processor were very positive.
4. This unit was the first on the market to run the new Dolby Pro Logic IIz.
5. I've owned Denon in the past and have been very satisfied.
The integra 9.9 does NOT have an amplifier section, so if you want to buy will have to spend more money after you get it. (for getting an external amp)
I feel the that both do an admirable job for movies. I would give the edge to the Onkyo for music.