Diana Krall's New CD "Live in Paris"????

Has anyone heard the new Krall CD (NOT DVD) "Live in Paris", and what are your thoughts?
I rest my case. Tomryan, knowing his jazz, sees DK fumbling about in a jazz genre full of greater talents. Carlabarla is turned onto jazz for the first time by the accessibility of what DK has to offer, and will (hopefully) lead Carlabarla into the much greater joys that grooving to DK will open the mind to, such as Shirley Horne. We should all go through Jazz 101 at some stage in this hobby, and if DK pulls 'em in then she is doing a great service.
I got started down this road a couple of months ago with Patricia Barber. My observations...all have great voices

Dark, edgy, smooth..Patricia Barber, Jacintha, Christy Baron

Happy, bordering on pop...Diana Krall, Holly Cole, Jane Monheit, Karrin Allyson
Almost rock, interesting songs....Beth Orton, Sarah Dougher
Redkiwi- Is right, all of us discover music via a different doorway.

For me, the thrill of discovery, is what great music and audio systems are all about.

The best thing you can do for a friend, is turn them on to some great music.

Please add these to this growing ladies list: Dee Dee Bridgwater, Ernestine Anderson,Randy Crawford, Maxine Sullivan, the blues divas: Etta James and Koko Taylor, and the group Sweet Honey in the Rock.

Surprised no one has yet mentioned Billie Holiday. Too obvious, I guess. I've (for more than 30 yrs now) thought originals are usually the best. Jazz singers and players who created or got in on the first floor of any "scene" have always touched and held me more than anyone doing it today. In this same vein, check out "Charlie Christian - The Original Guitar Hero" on Columbia-Legacy. $8.00 and eight songs when he was in the Benny Goodman band. This is what it's all about. And please don't bitch about the sonics. If that's a problem, get some good SETs and appropriate speakers next time.
I think Billie Holliday has not come up because the discussion seems to be centered on the "new generation" vocalists. You're right, of course, to identify her as one of the best (ever).

I metioned Christine Tobin earlier and I'd like to add Paula West to the list of DK alternatives.