Diapason Adamantes II and III good speakers or no

Well ten years ago I listened to these Diapason Adamantes II speakers,And they were very musical to my ears,andtaste,
That time the dealer is selling them for 5k, plus thedealer is not a nice guy,he is greedy,So I did not buythem.Inotice no one talks about them here at Agon why?.Are this good speaker or not?I miss them though.
I too have a pair of adamantes iiis and love them. The absence of a cross-over on the bass/mid driver really takes you so much closer to the music however old tweaking habits die hard...... I read Scotty333's comments with interest as I have already been messing around with mine. I started off with Walker Audio ultimate hdls which perform a similar function to bybees and increase the focus and clarity greatly. Since I prefer single wire to biwiring (which incidentally beefs up the bass response), I've removed one pair of binding posts and used a jumper wire to bypass the other binding posts and make direct contact with the spkr cable spades. The other mod which worked well is to swap the brass cones on the stands with rdc3 screw on cones. The last touch i guess will be to rewire the internals. I've got some excellent jena labs cryo'd hook-up wire from modwright sitting around but am tempted by using some nordost monofiliment cable (poss from shiva power cord). Oh that and maybe try some deflex panels. All madness i know...........
I am thinking of using the polycrystal cones, I have
them. Even with out tweak this speakers are so musical,
mine are wired with Van Den Hull, are this the standard
Yes vdh cs122 is the standard wire. given that diapason use clip on terminations rather then solder the wire directly to the drivers, it's quite easy to buy a spare set of clips from them and make some different wires to try out. i'm really quite stoked up about the idea of making some using the condutors from a nordost shiva power cord however that's going to be a bit more expensive than say the jena labs wire. it may also be worthwhile grounding the driver basket. to my mind the absence of a crossover filter is a key element towards making these speakers sound so good, however i guess they must also be doing a lot of other things right. their stunning good looks are an added bonus and there was a palpable sigh of relief from my wife when i got these..........
Guys, I just picked up Sistrum speaker stands from Starsound. I will try and post a review. But these things are fantastic. Here is what I experienced. Better bass, tighter, more extended. highs were more extended as well, but the great thing is that the noise was lowered substantially. The highs are much cleaner, MUCH cleaner. The soundstage increased, both width and depth. The overall noise floor was lowered with greater instrument separation. the speakers became more transparent, i,e they dissapear better in the room.

the stands were around $800 - but well worth it in my opinion. They come with a money back guarantee.

Then, I must tell you, i got a stand from sistrum for my amp. The combination was frankly stunning. e-mail me if you want more info, but the amp stand in conjunction with the stands is fantastic. The guys at starsound are great - toll free and they will spend time to analyze and help you. Can't recommend them enough.
I finally got around to fitting the delex panels at the weekend and the result was very worthwhile. i removed the wadding and put a single panel at the rear of the speak behind the driver. the sound now has far more snap / dynamic tension and a more realistic ambience. it's a simple and cheap job to do and can be easily reversed should you so wish. i still have that cryo'd jena labs cable taunting me to fit it and maybe one of these days i'll get round to that however may also try some high quality silver (have lost my appetite for nordost monofiliment following a disappointing time with a valhalla powercord).